The Bliss Point. Your Sugar Issues Have an Enemy

The Bliss Point. Your Sugar Issues Have an Enemy


The interviews for the upcoming Kick Sugar Summit are clicking along very nicely.

Yesterday I did an interview with a documentary filmmaker who has created, quite possibly, the most informative film on the dangers of sugar ever produced.

I watched the movie and was simply stunned at some of the methods used by the food and beverage producers to make sure that products we buy are “super palatable.” One could say super addictive.

The movie interviews all kinds of experts and scientists including folks that work for the food companies formulating new products – candies, sodas and processed food.

The thing that I found as the most fascinating is called “The Bliss Point”. The bliss point is described as the point where most people find the taste and “mouth feel” (don’t even get me started – the name speaks for itself) of a product just right.

The scientists are looking for that exact point where a product is not too sweet and just sweet enough. To sweet and people don’t buy – same with not sweet enough.

They do this with everything these days.

Spaghetti sauce has to have just the right amount of fat(oil), salt and sugar so as to create the perfect taste.

The amount of money spent to test, to interview and market test consumers and to keep reformulating it till it’s just right is in the millions per product!

Your main tool to help you understand and control your sugar habit is awareness.

We need to be constantly aware that sugar and other added ingredients are in just about everything in the supermarket. (over 80% of supermarket products contain sugar)

Reading labels is good but it’s still not enough.

We’ve always found that when you “take stuff away” from people they feel deprived.

They say they feel like they are missing out on something, not able to “participate” with everyone else in that most social of all events – eating.

No one likes to be different.

So what we try and do is “add things in”.

We like to give you lots of new alternatives to eat in the form of both recipes and different foods you may have never tried.

People are shocked when they feel like they are getting to eat so much food. It’s simply because the most nutrient dense food we guide you to has more fiber, better taste (after you break that craving for sweetness almost all sugary things taste way too sweet)

…and is much more filling.

After you’ve “added in” the good stuff – letting the “not so good stuff” slip away seems easier.

Like just about everything in life, it’s mostly a mental game but there are tons of tricks and trips and as the computer folks say “hacks” to make it all easier.

If you’re ready to make those New Year’s resolutions a reality please join us.

I’ll see you on the inside.

The bliss point is very real. All day every day the food and soda producers are competing for your mind share and your dollars – and sadly for your children’s as well. Plant your flag and join us. I hate to get all Gandhi on you but “Be the change you want to see in the world


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