Can This Little Quiz Change Your Life?

The Little Sugar Addiction Quiz That Could

Just take the little quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

It’s a little humbling to know how many lives a little ten question quiz has changed.

Ten questions.

Yes or No answers.

Easy peasy.

Just take the little quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

But is there any science behind it?

And  …do you just hate the idea of being an “addict” or even thinking about the word “addiction”.

I get that. Read on.

First off, yes there is science behind the quiz. It’s taken from the Yale Food Addiction Scale and modified just for sugar.

Just take the little quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

As for the idea of addiction – that name is changing as you read this. The new science of what used to be addiction is now called substance use disorder. We wholeheartedly support those changes.

Sugar is a substance and if it’s causing you distress in your life – it’s a disorder. No biggie. It’s not as simple as your disordered desk – but with the right info – it’s close.

Simpler, with less residual name stigma and faster change and healing.

I could go on and on.

But my lesson on the state of the union of food recovery sciences is not why you’re reading this.

You want to know if this crap is causing you to gain weight and otherwise adversely affecting your health…

Just take the little sugar addiction quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

Can I speak candidly?

Please consider this the highest compliment I can give.

Either via search, social media or a friends referal you ended up on or our social media pages.

In my opinion you have the courage and missing ingredient most people lack – introspection – meaning you can look at yourself, without judging too harshly, and see that you might want to change something in your life. Then you researched it.

You know it might be hard, and if you’re honest it’s a little scary. But it’s been a little (or big) nuisance in your life for years.

Just take the sugar addiction quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

LOL, I have to laugh at myself for putting all these links to the sugar addiction quiz in this message.

But I’ve found that folks need just a little push, a kind and welcoming mentor who’s been there and a community of like minded people trying to solve the same issue to get anything done in life.

Thus the little “pushes”

OK how about Nike?

Just do it!

Just take the quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

Old school?

What have you got to lose?

Just take the quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.

OK, you get the idea.

Isn’t knowing better than not knowing?

If you’ve read this far, giggled a little, learned a little and were tempted to take the quiz – congrats. You’re softening to your own self love and self acceptance. Which, by the way, is one of the keys to success in this little endeavor you’ve undertaken.

I look forward to seeing you grow.

Talk soon.

Be well,


PS: Just take the quiz, follow the prompts and we’ll talk after.   🙂

We’re in this together…

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