How Late is Too Late To Quit Sugar?

How Late is Too Late To Quit Sugar?


Frustration, depression, illness, worry, weight gain, lack of social confidence and so much more. These are the hallmarks of a sugar addiction.

We have tried every diet and exhausted ourselves fighting sugar cravings. We ‘white knuckled’ our way through a few weeks and then break down and do any number of the following: binge, starve, cry, purge, pray, beat ourselves up. We have been to 12 step programs, to doctors. We hired personal trainers, spent thousands of dollars on supplements, and joined weight loss programs.

We even tried surgery.

When we got diagnosed with a serious illness or obesity and still ate processed foods and sugar, we threw our arms up and declared failure and the possibility that “this is just the way we are – it’s our lot in life.”


Pure unadulterated crap.

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” … George Eliot

Our success stories and the stories of hundreds of others who have walked their way out of this sugar thing are out there. They started in the same place.

I’ve always hated the idea of “a bottom”.

This idea that you have to reach rock bottom, like a diabetes diagnosis, to finally turn the behavior around. Lot’s of people stop way short of a “hard bottom.”

They visualize the worst case scenario instead. They develop a mental picture of themselves in the worst way from their current eating habits. They see it clearly.

….And they finally know – that is THE last place they want to go.

Do it now.

Borrow from your constant worry and see the bad place.   ….Do not be kind – be realistic.

If it’s weight – see yourself there – disease? See that too.

Now just take a deep breath.

It’s time to walk away from that future.

Now do the exact opposite.

See the positive future you’ve dreamed about for yourself a million times.

Happy times.

You as the person you know deep inside you can be.

Do you have that clear picture?

  • What’s your weight?
  • What courageous thing have you done to improve your life?
  • Who are you sharing your life with?

That’s your future. Hold it in your mind.

I know quitting sugar seems hard.

I know that you’ve tried before.

Not in a half-assed way either. I know you’ve really tried – the best way you knew how.

The reason you’re at your wits end is because you really did try, yet still you can’t seem to “figure it out.”

A man destined to be remembered in history, Dr. Robert Lustig, says it pretty simply.

“You can not fight a biochemical reaction in your body 24/7/365 with willpower alone.”

It may be against your nature to ask for help – to reach out.

You don’t want to “bother” anyone. You feel you can “do it yourself.”

I totally get that.

The one realization our success stories had to come to, in all the issues they wanted to solve in their lives, was that they didn’t have all the answers. That they couldn’t solve the problem by the sheer force of their will.

When they let someone else drive the bus for just a few weeks their perspective changed. They began to trust a little and to lean on another for information and support.

If you think you might be in that place please feel free to join us.


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