A Pill to Cure Sugar Addiction & Sugar Cravings?

A Pill to Cure Sugar Addiction & Sugar Cravings?


It would seem logical that science could produce the “antidote” to sugar.

At least help us with the withdrawals or cravings when we wanted to quit or cut back.

“Is there a pill to stop the insane cravings I get from quitting sugar?”

“A vitamin maybe, that would make it easier?”

I get these questions all the time.

To use sugar “normally”.

That’s always the goal of folks that start with us.

It seems from the outside that other people appear to be able to use sugar and not have the same negative effects that you and I have.

Let me put that idea to rest for you.

It will be years before we have quantitative, verifiable, scientific proof of sugar’s effects on the body.

You and I may be long gone.

There is no more time to wait if you are like I was.

If I could only show you the 100’s of emails, survey forms, and quiz answers I get daily here you would be as convinced as I am about the pain that people are in around this topic. You are NOT alone.

It breaks my heart.

We all want easy, or dare I say elegant answers to our problems in life. I know I do.

A pill would be awesome!

There are some people selling pills that claim to help with everything from withdrawals to cravings.

Take my word on this one gang. It’s either temporary or a placebo effect.

As Dr. Lustig says: “You can’t fight a biochemical processes 24 hours a day seven days a week.”

If you are ingesting sugar you will crave it.

Doctors call what you’re about to attempt “an elimination diet”.

Usually carried out by an allergist but these days all kinds of doctors are doing it.

The goal is to eliminate a few food products from your diet and see if some certain symptom(s) you currently have change.

Then slowly add the products back in, one at a time, so you can eliminate the culprit.

Did you giggle a little just now reading that …like I did writing it?

How many times have you tried your own “elimination diet” with sugar as the thing you wanted to eliminate?

Yeah, me too. 50 times? A hundred? Every morning?

Let us help you try it a new way.

Check out this page. Quit Sugar Now.

Read it over.

Check out all the folks whose elimination diet worked this time – the folks who now have control over their sugar intake and are happy, joyous and free of the downsides of heavy sugar use.  Quit Sugar Now.


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