Sugar Addiction, Internet Traffic and Monday Blues

New Year’s Day, The First of the month, Monday and tomorrow.

Can you guess what all these days have in common?

For us folks plagued by a sensitivity to, a slight dependency on – or a full blown sugar addiction – those days are the days we repeatedly quit sugar. Only to start using sugar again – usually the same day.

It becomes a vicious cycle.

We’ve all been there:

“Today’s the Day!” – we swear to ourselves – pick any day.

We wake up with all the steely resolve in the world.

Well, sometimes.

Sometimes we’re a little hung over from our sugar hangover – “the one last time”.

For the most part we have 100% good intentions.

Our weight has creeped up.

The brain fog and headaches of the roller coaster that is sugar is really hurting our performance.

And we just feel like crap. (medical term)

Mostly because we can’t figure out why we can’t put this stuff down for a little while.

We question our willpower and the strength of our character – it dents our self esteem.

As I’ve told you many times you’re definitely not alone.

But this time I have quantitative proof…

It’s like clockwork.

Every Monday through Thursday our Internet traffic to the website spikes.

And starting on Friday, the traffic drops back down. Only to rebound again on Monday. Why would “sugar addiction” be popular on Mondays?

The same spike happens at the first of every month and it’s absolutely crazy at the first of the year.

Have you ever been in a gym in January and then seen the ghost town in February?

It’s the same thing.

Folks make these personal commitments to change something in their lives and then wane from them as life hits them.

You just lack the proper tools and training to succeed.

With sugar addiction, as I’ve said many times, it’s so much more than willpower.

Willpower plays virtually no part in your success or failure.

If you haven’t taken the short, ten question, yes or no quiz yet then jump over here and take it to see if you might be a little susceptible to sugar.

The Quiz

If you have taken the quiz already and you want to join us in putting this behind you then head here and join our little band of super sweet, without sugar, folks who have lost weight and regained their peace of mind and control over their sugar intake.

Just click here:

You don’t have to do this alone and you don’t have to announce to the world that you’re even trying this. Our group is 100% private.

You can make it this time!

You’ll also learn why you failed before and what you can do to get to your goals this time.

Talk real soon.

Be well,


PS: For just a few more weeks I am giving away a 30 minute consult to you so we can get you started right. It’s with me personally. It will get started on the right foot. End your sugar addiction now!

Just click here:

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