It’s called the quantified-self movement and you’re probably already part of it.
If you have a Fitbit or even the newest iPhone that tracks your steps and miles every day – you’re involved in the quantified-self movement.
It’s actually a great idea.
Just like you get that instant feedback from your phone on how much you walked today – knowing exactly what effects your blood sugar throughout the day would be invaluable.
With this newest breed of trackers, you wear a little patch like a nicotine patch and the information is transmitted to your smart phone all day – in. real. time.
So think about it…
If you go to McDonalds and then go back to work you’ll be able to instantly see what the food is doing to your body and your sugar levels!
What a game changer.
In the quantified-self movement, one of the main ideas is that that instant feedback loop allows you to modify your behavior by seeing exactly what’s going and what progress you’re making.
One of the main “gaps” in educating folks on the dangers of sugar is that it takes so long for the maladies and diseases to manifest in the body. It’s hard to see how “just a little bit” (which always leads to a lot more) can harm you.
No more pricking your finger to check your sugar levels. These new monitors let you watch the inside of your body from your phone.
While it will be a while till the general public can get one of these babies the diabetics that are already testing them love them. There have been a handful of “quantified selfers” that have gotten these on the black market and are loving them and writing about their benefits.
We struggle here with folks who have great results for a short period of time and then “fall off the wagon.”
It’s almost like a little success, a little weight loss, and then BOOM.. back to the sugar.
Folks don’t even know why they went back.
We hear “all the sudden I woke up and I had eaten the whole bag, box or pie.” – all the time.
I think feeling good for the time they were off the sugar, and having that feeling of physical well-being increase every day, literally scares people a little.
Not consciously mind you, but unconsciously. They have never experienced these strong feelings of well-being in their lives. Plus the accompanying weight loss.
Now people have to deal with not “hiding” behind their weight anymore. It’s a big mental adjustment.
Knowing exactly how this path from heavy sugar user to light or no sugar user goes is one of the key factors in your success.
We have said many times that we are rapidly becoming the worldwide leader in helping people walk through the times AFTER the detox and after your body is clear of sugar.
We deal in the tougher cases.
The folks that have tried and tried and tried.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
They’ve quit a hundred times, lost a ton (sometimes almost literally) and gained it all back.
Right now in our private forum, we are dealing with lots of folks who quit during the Kick Sugar Summit.
That puts them right at the one month period.
They are dealing with uncontrollable weeping. Sadness coming from nowhere.
Now back when they were doing this alone that is just about where most people cave. They just can’t deal with this erraticness in their lives. They have families, work, school. They can’t be an emotional wreck.
Well, this time the folks are speaking up. Asking questions about this strange phenomena and walking through it with ease.
While we don’t have the built in virtual reality monitors for your journey just yet – we certainly have your path to sugar freedom mapped out from where you are now to your goal weight and good health again.
Not everyone ends up weeping uncontrollably but dealing with the emotions that come up is part of the process of success. If you’re not ready for that it’s best you try another popular diet instead. We only work with the willing.