We’ve all experienced it…
We try to quit sugar for a few days, a week or longer and it’s rough during the withdrawals.
But the main stumbling block seems to end up at the cravings.
Those darn cravings.
It’s like another person inside us.
We’ve decided to quit or take a break from the stuff but our mind, even our body “feels” like it “wants” something sweet.
It’s hard to even explain to another person but anyone who’s had the feeling knows what I’m talking about.
You know, where your mind thinks about it and your mouth can feel the sweetness and the texture hours before you ever ingest the stuff.
I venture to say our entire body can feel, think about and anticipate the little “rush” we get, the little pick me up.
We’re a little tired, maybe a little blue or maybe just a little bored. And we know a soda or a candy bar will knock that feeling right out for a few minutes so we can finish our work or just nod out after.
It’s insidious I tell you.
So how do we beat the ole’ sugar demons?
Well everybody says we detox off the stuff.

30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
That getting the stuff out of our system will lessen or eliminate the cravings.
But what happens when that doesn’t work?
When you’ve quit for weeks or months but you still have cravings that end up derailing all your progress?
Ah! Glad you asked…
This is where the real work comes in. Sure the detox was hard but now we need to figure out if there is a reason we want to numb out for a few minutes, a reason to not feel for just a quick minute.
This gets a little more complicated but it’s really not that hard.
I was telling a coaching student yesterday that this is the time that crazy saying that no one really knows what it means comes into play:
“Listen to your body.”
The trouble is you need to get past the cravings without using sugar to hear the message. The physical cravings will be lessened but…
You need to get to the emotional detox.
Talk about the stuff no one knows what it means except Ph.D. therapists…
But it’s really simple.
If you believe Sugar is a powerful drug, and you will before this is over, then you must know that consciously or unconsciously you may have been using it to cover up some negative emotions that you were starting to feel. This pattern of behavior most likely started when you were VERY, very young.
But as an adult it no longer serves you.
You need to learn the tips and tricks to walk through this re-orientation of how you deal with life’s everyday stressors.
It’s really not that hard.
But as the reduced carb diet failure rate will prove it needs to be addressed if you are to succeed at this.
I think the best way to accomplish this is to decipher that old saying “listen to your body.”

30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
What you want to do is to keep asking yourself during the cravings: “What am I really feeling?” and “what do I really need?”
It could be something as simple as a hug. It could be a resolution to something in your relationship or your workplace. The reasons are as varied as each one of us.
Until we stop, listen and take the appropriate actions we are bound to repeat our go-to strategy of using sugar to quiet the feelings or thoughts for a minute.
It just so happens that we’ve helped hundreds of people to succeed and we’d love to help you.
We’ll be here when you’re ready.
It’s kinda hard to explain this concept in one post but what we’ve found is the folks we work with the most – those that have tried for years, even decades to quit – they seem to have an intuitive understanding that what’s going on and they want to know more.