Why are just the original few days gettin’ off the stuff the hardest part of the whole sugar thing?
It sure is a tough one for some of us.
This idea (and reality) is that if we can string together 3 to 21 days (each person is different) of total abstinence from sugar then we won’t have the cravings as bad and we can start a life with a more reasonable approach to how much sugar we eat – or don’t eat.
Sounds reasonable.
But what about those 18 or so odd days it takes?
Why is the “sugar detox” the newest viral wonder online?
It’s a hit because the problems, feelings, and struggles that go with it are universal.
We all have, pretty much, the same biochemistry.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
Some folks are more susceptible to sugar than others (about a third of us) but for the most part we’re all the same.
Our body’s “feel good” drug dopamine, and others, are stimulated by sugar and triggered manually by the sugar so when we stop the body wants more.
A simplified description but enough to set us up for the answer to this question:
So how the hell do we get off the stuff?
Answer: We detox for 3 to 21 or more days. Period, end of the lesson.
Side note: Getting off the stuff is just the first lesson in about a ten lesson plan for true success but many “detox” sellers lead you to believe it’s the end all – be all. Don’t fall for that. End of rant.
But wait, you say, you’ve tried and failed?
Numerous times?
Oh, I see.
OK then here’s the “down and dirty” to detoxing from sugar.
- Do the purge. Get EVERYTHING with sugar in it out of your house. This draws your line in the sand and sets the stage for you to have One. Safe. Place. This includes stuff that looks like food and condiments like ketchup.
- Replace the junk with Real. Whole. Food. Explanation not required. If it’s in a box or a can you can not eat it.
- Just Do It. But with a twist. That twist is a kindness. Self-kindness. A real detox is about you learning to treat yourself with kindness and respect.
Kindness and respect also include the awareness and respect for your body, brain, and emotions and to accept, accept and accept – just EXACTLY WHAT all those cravings and withdrawals really are.
What they represent. Why is this magnificent organism we call our body and brain craving this white powered poison our conscious minds want to repel?
I mean really why?
What will reveal itself if you listen to that magnificent body will shock you. I mean really shock you.
And as you string days of abstinence together your awareness rises.
It’s like the fog clear and, with a little guidance from people who have been there, you begin to realize that “just wanting something a little sweet” is actually THE furthest from the real function sugar has served for you over the years.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
Sounds a little deep for three step detox I know but those of you (most of my list) who have already traveled this road a bunch of times knows exactly what I’m saying.
At the end of the day, sugar is our drug of choice. It’s our friend, our lover – our muse.
And the word “detox” takes on a much larger and more relevant meaning…