How to Stop a Sugar Binge Instantly

How to Stop a Sugar Binge Instantly


It’s like you’re watching yourself from above your body.

You don’t want to be doing this to yourself – to your body – to your soul – again.

A binge.

A sugar binge.

I don’t have to explain it to most anyone who reads here regularly – or at all.

Autopilot is as close as I can get to the feeling(s).

It’s like you want to stop but your arms keep moving towards your mouth.

Even worse, the rest of your body, which by extension includes your beautiful mind, will actually get in a car, in the dead of winter, to go get more sugar and you’ll go along for the ride – peering down from above.

We’ve all been there.

Much has been written, here and elsewhere, about the idea that “once we start – it’s really hard to stop till we’re “done”.

Either we run out of food or money, get sick or pass out in a sugar coma.

The question is how can we stop it?

Is it even possible to stop mid-binge?

The answer is yes, a definitive yes.

You can stop but it takes some tricks.

You know I’m not writing the words “will power” here right?

That has nothing to do with it.

As the great Tony Robbins would say: “You need a pattern interrupt.”

You need to both massively interrupt the pattern that you’ve fallen into and then follow it up with some positive actions.

The best and easiest way is to have first built up some recovery capital. Recovery capital is best described as actions, habits, and relationships that you worked on before you needed them. You have them in the bank to call on.

The number one best way to stop a binge is to be able to feel comfortable picking up the phone and calling fellow traveler. To be humble and courageous enough to just say: “I need some help – can you talk for a minute?”

Now this binge hack is for the folks who have a little capital built up. They’ve built a few relationships with people who would understand 100% and they’re not afraid to use them in a tough time

For the folks who are just getting started, we need a more drastic and dramatic pattern interrupt.

The one that works the best for the folks I’ve worked with is a bath or a shower.

No matter what time of the day or night.

Just stop what you’re doing and walk to the bathroom and turn on the water.

Don’t think about it just do it.

Once you feel the water on your hands, testing the temperature, you’ll be 90% of the way there.

Once you’re in just relax, take a deep breath and reflect on what just happened. What you’ve done is the beginning of interrupting the binge pattern permanently. As you get better you will be able to pick up the phone and actually call that new friend you’ve made – or just go for a walk.

You’re not done yet.

If you got even some sugar in your body you may be at risk for cravings and another binge.

The follow-up steps.

  1. Plan and eat solid meals the next day. This is not a day to be neglecting your nutrition or fasting.
  2. Forgive yourself
  3. Actually thank yourself out loud for your self-awareness and actions. Do not leave this step out. It seems weird but look in the mirror and say “thank-you” to yourself

If it’s not at night, as a lot of binges are, then just go on with your day but make sure you plan your next meals.

One thing I did learn from Tony Robbins that has helped me in many things besides a binge is to clap loudly right in front of my face and yell the command I wish enacted like “STOP”.

Then hit the shower. Soon you won’t even need the shower. Works like a charm – if you do the follow-ups.

Ready for a few more binge hacks?

Check us out here.

I used these tactics to stop binge-watching all the great TV out there too. A hot bath and right to bed when I felt I was overdoing it. It really works.

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