In the last video, about sugar and pregnancy, I threw you a little curveball. I’m tempted to say I’m sorry but I’m really not. 🙂 The new one(below) talks about kids once they’ve already started.
I did my best to tell you about a sugar free pregnancy in the hopes you would use yourself as an example and not want to pass on to your children any issues with sugar. A little sneaky I admit but you know my heart is in the right place.
Today we tackle a much harder problem.
Kids that are already using to much sugar and how to take back control of their use.
I’ll throw in a little spoiler.
It still involves mom and/or dad participating with the kids in getting off sugar.
None of this “do as I say and not as I do” stuff here.
DAMN I hated that as a kid!
Once your children have a sugar habit your job reigning them in is a lot harder. Maybe that’s what got you to this article or video.
It can be crazy making.
Here’s the hard part:
You may not know what you don’t know!
It could be possible that your kids moodiness, bed wetting, irritability, frequent colds and the list goes on, could be as a result of too much sugar.
We all know that weight gain can be controlled by better management of sugar intake.
There could be an overwhelming peace waiting on the other side. (I already know there is but most people need to find out for themselves – I get that)
Nobody likes to look back and try and discover where our behaviors originated from.
But if you have, or if you can right now, looked back and remembered exactly what your parenting was like around sugar.
What were the “sugar rules” in your house growing up?
Then maybe, just maybe, you will realize that any issues you have with sugar probably started back then.
I know mine certainly did.
90+% of the folks we work with can say the same thing.
Look, I’m not here to heap another guilt trip on you about your parenting. You did have the courage to make your way to
Kids are impressionable.
At the end of the day they want to be like you. To do what you do.
By now you already know my stance on doing whatever it takes to get you off the sugar. If it takes doing it for your kids first then so be it.
My kids didn’t suffer being sugar free.
They actually thrived.
Contrary to the belief of well meaning relatives and school officials – taking a stance for what you believe is the health of your children – is a courageous thing to do.
Your kids will thank you – mine do.
If you’re ready to jump onboard with the rest of us crazy sugar quitting and sugar reducing folks – parent or not – then just jump over here: Quit Sugar Now!
Coming VERY soon: A special section and group just for parents! Quit Sugar Now!
Take our very short quiz to see if you might have a little dependency on sugar: CLICK HERE