When I first got clean and sober I was not a huge fan of this idea.
The idea being that I had, through the use of mood and mind altering substances, stunted my ability to deal with difficult emotions that arose in my life and taught myself or adapted to a method of dealing with them through the use of substances.
It seemed like so much psycho babble to me at the time.
I drink – I fall down, I crash cars and piss off all my friends and family.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
What do my feelings have to do with that?
It took me a good long time to grasp the concept and even longer to embrace it
So What Does it Really Mean to “Stuff Your Feelings” with Sugar?
We hear this phrase a lot.
The idea that to eat lots of sugar or carbs or drink alcohol or to use drugs is an attempt to “stuff our feelings.”
What the hell does that even mean?
The short version is – we learned that things that make us feel better about ourselves, even if they are temporary, are what we go to in times of stress, grief and any generally tough times.
There can be positive ways to deal with the same emotions too. Running, walking, yoga meditation, hot baths, call a friend – the list is endless really.
The difficulty arises when folks just don’t consider sugar as powerful enough to hold back or hold down and cover up bad feelings ….or otherwise make us feel that much better.
Well, I beg to differ and you will too if you just honestly look back on your history.
First boyfriend break up? Girls ice cream party.
Boss yells at you – trip to the vending machines.
Husband still just as a big pain in the ass as yesterday? Half gallon of ice cream, sitting watching TV alone.
Just sad about life? Sugar, sugar, sugar.
Anyone who has actually recovered from a sugar or food addiction, did the work and returned to right sized body will also testify that their “feelings” work saved their life.
The real difficulty and the real courage comes when we finally accept the idea that by the time we reach adulthood we are actually just fighting off withdrawals and now we HAVE to have sugar in order to even function.
Any simple sugar detox proves that to us loud and clear… headaches, depression, anxiety, flu like symptoms, lethargy and the list goes on.
So herein lies the dilemma of literally an entire planet, not just us.
Some call it yo-yo dieting. But the FACTS remain. Even if we are successful getting off sugar and flour for a time – 98% of folks will eventually go back to it and regain all the weight they lost.
And the cycle begins again.
Who wants to jump off that treadmill?
Raise your hand – really, right there, wherever you are. Bus, train, desk, couch..
just raise your hand if you’re ready to stop yo-yo ing and finally deal with the underlying issue and not the symptoms.
Cool, well all 3 of you just click here. LOL
(out of thousands – many are called – few are chosen 🙂
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
It takes a real desire to end the rollercoaster ride for good.
I sure hope I get to work with you when you’re ready.
I’ve always said this is not a lack of information out there. Some of you guys know more about nutrition than I do.
It’s a lack of support.
Support from people who who’ve walked before you and succeeded. Join us won’t you? MC