In a lot of ways they are.
And in your heart.
And in your emotions.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
Once we get through the physical detox of sugar – that’s when the real work starts.
We’ve all been on a diet and cut back on sugar and carbs or even quit completely.
How long it lasts depends on each individual and a whole host of variables.
But suffice it to say less than 2% of all people who attempt such a diet or weight loss program ever succeed and maintain a consistent weight loss more than just a few months. …This fact is well proven by thousands of university studies.
I feel I must state here that without 100% physical abstinence from sugar for the first 14 to 30 days you will have VERY strong physical cravings. Period. End of discussion. Having sugar(and flour) in your system causes strong physical cravings – for some people.
With all that out of the way, we are free to answer the question posed.
Could Sugar Cravings Be All In Your Head?
Now I didn’t have room in the subject line to say:
Could sugar cravings be all in your head, your heart and your emotions but the idea is:
Are they less physical and more in the realm of mental or emotional issues than a straight physical sensation?
People always ask WHY?
I mean thousands of times over the years.
They ask:
Why can’t I just put this stuff down? I don’t even like it anymore.
The answer just makes people mad at first.
I don’t know any other way to say it.
That’s what happens.
They say it can’t be so.
It can’t be possible.
But here’s the thing.
90+% of those folks have never been exposed to a person who has had success putting sugar down for any extended time period.
As you might imagine those folks are still in that less than 2% minority – so they are still rare.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
But if they were exposed to them and they could sit down and talk with them for an hour or so here’s what those successful folks, sitting there in their right sized bodies would tell you:
“The first year was kinda rocky.
I felt better physically right away.
I lost weight every single week.
I was looking awesome! My brain fog cleared, my skin cleared up and I flat out got skinny for the first time in my life!”
And as you can see it’s a BIG but.
They’d also tell you:
“I also had to go through some emotional changes. I cried for no reason and at all the wrong times. I got angry at inappropriate times. I kept remembering old hurts, emotional turmoil and weird memories that I had totally forgotten about.
In short, it seemed like my nervous system was being rebuilt – rewired. Like I had to relearn how to deal with stuff – my kids, my spouse, my friend and my workmates.
Without the help of a bunch of folks who had navigated that “weirdness” before me I would have definitely returned to sugar.
Sugar had served me since I was little and this new world of intense feelings was not one I was ready to deal with alone.
The kindness that these strangers bestowed on me I’ll never be able to repay.
They comforted me when I was just beside myself and ready for an ice cream sundae.”
If you’d like to meet a few of those benevolent strangers just click here.
I really hate to be the only guy out here in cyberspace telling you the straight story of the successful folks. Most are trying to sell you some short term fix to solve your weight issues magically. If you find one that works let me know.
Until that time we’ll be holding down the fort here with that group of amazing strangers all of whom are free from the slavery of sugar in their lives.
I could write a sales letter and get you in but then you wouldn’t be ready for the journey. You want to be ready for this one.