Day 22: Post Holiday Weight In

Holly cow, it’s now Day 22 and I have been SOOOO bad about keeping my journal over the past couple days. I was completely sucked in by the holiday weekend with my family!

gained weightSo to catch up, today’s weight in was 136.4 lbs….so YES I’ve gained more weight. Can I blame it on my monthly irritation? Well, that and all the quiche, cheese and yes wine I had over the weekend!

The recap of my holiday is good and bad. I was REALLY good actually resisting on Thanksgiving and didn’t have any major breakdowns even though I had to make the chutney and be tempted by the pies and pumpkin bread. However, I did have wine with dinner…so I did break the rules, but it didn’t lead to any sugar or flour splurges so I’m justifying it.

I was ok from Wednesday all the way through to Saturday and then it really started to hit me. On Saturday we went to brunch and that was the first time when I REALLY was tempted. There was soostealing from babyoo much good stuff all around us and it was really tough for me to just enjoy my salad, though it was yummy and had a healthy amount of feta on it. I ended up stealing some of my nephew’s french fries. I couldn’t help it, stealing food from a 22 month old is not my proudest moment, but in my defense he wasn’t eating them anyway! But it wasn’t sugar or flour, so I still feel I’m on track.

Then that night my sister and brother-in-law ordered pizza. HOLLY COW I thought I was going to lose my mind. It smelled soooo good! But I resisted…but made my sister hide her plate from me.

So far I’ve been really good resisting the sugar. There was even pizza-temptationHalloween candy left out all over the place, including my bedroom, but it oddly didn’t phase me. When I was having some cravings, they were easily satisfied with a couple date balls or some fruit. Most of my cravings have been just because it has been right there under my nose or my normal wanting to snack out of of boredom.

The 5 hour car ride home was a bit brutal because I don’t think I ate enough for breakfast before leaving so I was very hungry, tired and bored. This was a lethal combo for me, because when I was in the car trying to keep myself awake I was really HATING trying to give all this up!!

I have to admit my worst right now is the flour cravings. This is what I am really missing the most. I was never a huge flour eater, but I was missing pizza and sandwiches bad this weekend.

So I called the Health Guy to cry about it and vent which helped and I feel much better now and back on track. It is tough to try to quit both flour and sugar at the same time. I might should have just tried sugar alone first. But I’m in it now, so no turning back!

I definitely didn’t eat as well as I would have liked to over the holiday, however I’m still doing ok and committed to the process.

How was your holiday???

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