“Why most sugar detox methods are all just another Yo-yo diet set-up in disguise
…and what you can do – right now – to cut the string on that Yo-yo – and quit or control sugar in your life for good.”
It takes serious courage to look inward enough and admit that you may need some more information and/or some support for an issue in your life – any issue.
If you feel you’ve tried every “diet” on the market before and failed…
…If you have isolated sugar as you stumbling block in weight loss and health but feel “there must be something you’re missing.”
…You’ve tried to detox from sugar before and had some minor successes – but were not able to develop it into a long-term lifestyle success.
Please read on…
Or if you’d prefer to watch the video version go here: http://bit.ly/CutBackonSugar
This article is a little long but I’m going to show you a proven way to succeed with sugar while still retaining your sanity, your family, your friends, and your career.
One thing I can promise you after you admit you have sugar addiction is that you will never look at sugar, as it relates to your health and well being, again in the same way.
Including 147 ways that sugar is harmful to you…
In fact, I will show you how to STAY off or control sugar once you detox – so you don’t have to do it again and again!
Can you relate to any of these?
- Have you ever been frustrated by your inability to keep your promise to yourself – like you’re wrestling with your own mind and the endless back and forth about quitting, reducing or detoxing from sugar?
- Do you wake up in the morning and tell yourself that today is the day you’ll quit sugar – only to find yourself back in the sugar later in the day?
- Have you tried other ways to come off sugar or diets – only to have a few days of success followed by a binge?
- Has your weight just crept up on you? Year after year – even just a few pounds a year?
- Have the intense cravings and hunger derailed you time and time again?
- How about the crazy, awkward social and family situations – have they been a problem when you announce that you’re changing your diet?
- Do you get strangely emotional when you quit sugar for a few days? Or even think about it?
- Do you find yourself hiding your sweet treats so they are there when you need/want them?
- What about your “digestion”? …Gas? Bloating?
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
It’s Not Your Fault
Here’s the REAL problem
The information and support you need to know how to quit for 10 days or 21 days…
…is NOT the same information you need to make this a lifestyle change and to STAY STOPPED! …Thus improving your health and finding that ideal body weight for you.
It’s the path to the long-term lifestyle changes that are the most neglected out there in this wave of sugar detoxes hitting the market these days.
And honestly, this is where most people with sugar addiction fail. (after the detox, or attempted detox…)
So what are you going to learn?
You’ll learn the four secrets no diet book or popular sugar detox will ever teach you about weight loss and detoxing from sugar.
You’ll also learn about “Sugar’s Revenge” – why the average 7, 10, 21 or 30-day detoxes seem to make your cravings for sugar even worse – and how to fix that.
One dramatic example of the challenges of maintaining weight loss and sugar reduction or abstinence comes from a recent National Institutes of Health study.
The researchers followed 14 contestants who had participated in the “Biggest Loser” reality show.
During the 30 weeks of the show, the contestants lost an average of over 125 pounds per person! But in the six years after the show, all but one gained back most of their lost weight!
However, there are many university studies that show the exact same thing happens to the average dieter or “detoxer”…
Detoxes are not a permanent fix. In other words, detoxing from sugar only addresses part of the problem when it comes to sugar addiction.
Above all, let me be clear: I LOVE all the sugar educators with detoxes out there.
They are doing such an excellent job raising the awareness of the need to look hard at your sugar intake and the real dangers of long-term heavy sugar use. But for most of them their “sugar detoxes” are just an offshoot of some other diet or food plan – right? Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian and about 100 others…
Getting off sugar is the main component in 98+ % of ALL well researched and effective diets…
But here’s the rub:
Lots of our clients could do every part of whatever diet they choose BUT get off sugar!
For instance, lots of diet, wellness and health professionals send us their clients JUST to get them off the sugar so they can then implement their diets effectively!
Because ...This is all we do.
We help people detox from sugar and then help them to make the required adjustments to make a lifestyle change so the don’t have to detox again and again.
A second issue is this:
Most detoxes focus on the FOOD and the DAYS.
“Success with a quitting sugar is not just about the food, the number of days or the absence of sugar.”
Even if folks are successful with sugar detox and beyond:
Almost everyone ends up going back to sugar and gaining all their weight back and then some – sometime in the first year…
The research on this is very clear and overwhelming.
The Good News Is:
We’ve been having success for decades with people just like you
…. and we can walk you through this (almost) painlessly.
Our years of experience helping folks like you regain their lives, their proper weight, and their health has shown us that our proven system will work for you – if you’re willing to let us help.
I’ll be giving you the entire process here today just read on…
Patterns have developed, and our protocols are repeated in success story after success story.
You get to skip all the landmines in the process because we have already walked the path and have mapped them all out…
You can go exponentially faster than ever before because you’ll be eliminating the stopping and starting of Yo-Yo type dieting from before.
So What Are The Great Sugar Detox Myths?
… And what are the “myths and secrets” related to sugar detoxes and how do we “reframe” our thinking to succeed?
I see that as my job one.
To “reframe”, or to look at in a different light, sugar in your life.
Myth Reframe #1
Getting off sugar in 30 days (and even 60 or 90 days) or less are a proven,
blatant set up for Yo-yo dieting in disguise.
Most detoxes focus on just two things: The food and a certain time frame like 10 day or 21 days.
All their emails have pretty pictures of food you used to make with sugar – and their attempts to make them sugar-free… those attempts just “trigger” you to further desire sugar! (proven fact)
Heck, anybody can “white knuckle,” bite their tongue, go a few weeks, lose a few pounds and temporarily feel better about ourselves.
And most of us HAVE.
The goal is not detoxing and stopping for a few days or weeks – it’s lifetime control and lifestyle change.
Of course, a good detox will give an overview of what you can and can not eat.
The trouble is that all the current detoxes and diets out there ONLY tell you this and then make a big deal of the recipes. (and fill up their books with them)
We’ve had so many people come to us from other detoxes and diets, they all had varying degrees of TEMPORARY success…
The reason being is that if you get the sugar out – even for a short time – you feel better and do better – and, of course, you lose a little weight.
The problem comes in AFTER the detox.
Really it starts during the initial sugar detox with lack of proper training and information but after the “white knuckle/grit your teeth and bear it” type detoxes out there – almost everyone returns to the sugar.
The solution is simple: You have to not feel deprived but even more alive with your new food and behavior choices.
You HAVE to reframe the “I feel restricted” and change your mindset around your new foods and behaviors.
Now here’s something that almost no one has heard before:
Most folks who attempt to quit sugar or lose weight are not eating ENOUGH food – not by a long shot!
Folks have been so used to “restricting foods” to lose weight that when they see our diet they feel they’ll get worse… It seems like WAY too much food!
But remember in the past you were eating seriously low nutrient density food(like) products… NOT real food. Thus when you start the other detoxes… actual, good for you, whole foods seem like too much!
You get a few days or a week sugar-free and end up binging because you didn’t understand what was happening to you emotionally OR physically.
With all the diet and weight loss information online today… Sugar Detox is the “IN” thing… There are articles, websites and entire books about it everywhere.
Lots of misinformation has now bled into the sugar information world as a “detox” – meaning that the solution to your weight and other health problems is to detox from sugar for a set number of days!
It’s enough to confuse anyone.
As I said …I’m here today to “reframe” the way you look at sugar in your life – period.
I want you to think of yourself as a pioneer… one who is interested in cutting through all the popular beliefs, whatever they may be, and getting to the truth – the truth for you!
Think of it like anytime in your past when you felt deep in your soul that you knew the answer to something (like just quit the white stuff here) but couldn’t quite access it successfully – you just needed a few more pieces of information and a little more support – and then the tumblers of the lock clicked and…BOOM …the lights went on!
An additional problem, which is never even brought up, let alone addressed… is that there are Three (3) other components of a sugar detox that MUST be present for you to succeed.
Myth & Reframe #2
Emotional Interruption Technique (EIT) ™
This could easily be named The Cravings Interruption Technique TM
To successfully complete a sugar detox you must understand what changes will happen to your mind and emotions in the process.
“Change and recovery from sugar overuse is a process – not an event.” (not even a detox)
Many of you have experienced this… You start to reduce or eliminate sugar and it seems like someone died…
In reality, someone did! ….Or at least you are not only experiencing physical withdrawals but you are also grieving the loss of a close friend – and for some a lover, of many years.
Over the years I’ve seen very predictable patterns emerge.
When you’re in the throes of withdrawals it’s difficult to separate out what’s actually physical sugar withdrawals and what is your actual mental state…(or what you THINK & FEEL at the time is your mental state)
That’s why you need a guide, someone who has traveled the path before you AND, …fellow travelers who understand where you are…
…And simple ways to navigate the upset with very minimal interruption to your everyday life.
Sugar was always there for you, he didn’t talk back… and he comforted you when mere mortals could not.
Sugar has been tied to so many negative outcomes.
147 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health.
(Actual studies tied to each are available)
I’ve highlighted a few below and I want YOU to be the one who sorts out the pattern that is developing… You can skim this part, it might scare you to death if you don’t, but look for the pattern in the bold type…
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
Can suppress the immune system
Upsets the mineral relationships in the body
Can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children
Can produce a significant rise in triglycerides
Contributes to reduced defense against bacterial infection
Causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose.
Reduces high-density lipoproteins
Leads to chromium deficiency
Leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum
Can increase fasting levels of glucose
Causes copper deficiency
Interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
Sugar can weaken eyesight
Raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine
Can cause hypoglycemia
Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract
Can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children
Malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease
Can cause premature aging
Sugar can lead to alcoholism
Can cause tooth decay
Contributes to obesity
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease & ulcerative colitis
It Can cause changes found in a person with gastric or duodenal ulcers
Can cause arthritis
Sugar can cause asthma
Greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)
It Can cause gallstones
Can cause heart disease
Can cause appendicitis
It Can cause multiple sclerosis
Sugar can cause hemorrhoids
Can cause varicose veins
Can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users
It Can lead to periodontal disease
Can contribute to osteoporosis
Contributes to saliva acidity
Can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity
Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood
Can decrease growth hormone
It Can increase cholesterol
Can increase systolic blood pressure
Can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children
High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (Sugar that is bound non enzymatically to protein)
Can interfere with the absorption of protein
Causes food allergies
It Can contribute to diabetes
It Can cause toxemia during pregnancy
Can contribute to eczema in children
It Can cause cardiovascular disease
Can impair the structure of DNA
It Can change the structure of a protein
Can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen
Can cause cataracts
It Can cause emphysema
Can cause atherosclerosis
Can promote an elevation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body
Lowers the enzyme’s ability to function
Intake is higher in people with Parkinson’s disease
Can cause a permanent altering the way the proteins act in the body
It Can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide
Can increase the amount of liver fat
It Can increase kidney size & produce pathological changes in the kidney
Can damage the pancreas
Can increase the body’s fluid retention
Is enemy number 1 of the bowel movement
Can cause myopia (nearsightedness)
It Can compromise the lining of the capillaries
Can make the tendons more brittle
Can cause headaches, including migraines
Plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women
Sugar can adversely affect school children’s grades & cause learning disorders
It Can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves
Can cause depression
Increases the risk of gastric cancer
And cause dyspepsia (indigestion)
Can increase your risk of getting gout
It Can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates
Can increase the insulin responses in humans consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets
High refined sugar diet reduces learning capacity
Can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body’s ability to handle fat and cholesterol
It Can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease
Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness
Can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become underactive and others become overactive
It Can lead to the formation of kidney stones
Can lead to the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli
Sugar can lead to dizziness
Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress
High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increase platelet adhesion
High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer
Feeds cancer
High consumption in pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant
High consumption can lead to a substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents
Slows food’s travel time through the gastrointestinal tract
Increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon
Increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men
Combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more difficult
Can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer
Is an addictive substance
Can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol
Can exacerbate PMS
Given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce
A decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional instability
The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch
The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects
Can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition
Can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function
Has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases
I.Vs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain
High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer
Increases the risk of polio
High intake can cause epileptic seizures
Causes high blood pressure in obese people
In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives
May induce cell death
May impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms
In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial behavior
Can cause gastric cancer
Dehydrates newborns
Can cause gum disease
Increases the estradiol in young men
Can cause low birth weight babies
Greater consumption of refined sugar is associated with a worse outcome of schizophrenia
Can raise homocysteine levels in the bloodstream.
Sweet food items increase the risk of breast cancer.
Is a risk factor in cancer of the small intestine.
May cause laryngeal cancer.
Induces salt and water retention.
Sugar may contribute to mild memory loss.
As it increases in the diet of 10 years old, there is a linear decrease in the intake of many essential nutrients.
Can increase the total amount of food consumed.
Exposing a newborn to sugar results in a heightened preference for sucrose relative to water at 6 months and 2 years of age.
Causes constipation.
Causes varicose veins.
It Can cause brain decay in prediabetic and diabetic women.
Can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Possibly can cause metabolic syndrome.
Ingestion by pregnant women increases neural tube defects in embryos.
Can be a factor in asthma.
The higher the consumption the more chances of getting irritable bowel syndrome.
Could affect central reward systems.
Can cause cancer of the rectum.
It Can cause endometrial cancer.
Can cause renal (kidney) cell carcinoma.
Can cause liver tumors.
Did you see a pattern here?
Many of the sugar detox programs and diets out there are focused on the food and the body, usually the weight.
However, while these are important… that’s not what is keeping you from quitting.
The problem is in our brains and, it’s in our emotions.
You must understand what changes will happen to your mind and emotions in the process.
- You may be inexplicably weepy.
- May feel angry for no reason.
- You may feel possibly sad for no reason.
- You may be a little depressed. Not to worry it’s not a mental issue it’s a physical withdrawal.
- The stress will likely feel unbearable at times.
- A feeling of “Impending Doom” may envelop you for a few days.
When the only thing you can think of, a thought that totally hijacks your beautiful mind, is your favorite sugary treat – that should be the biggest clue ever!
The deep understanding of the lesson above has been a huge turning point for most of our clients. Once we “connect the dots” between our sugar use and our minds and emotions we are well on our way to success.
A bonus lesson about cravings and hunger: The growling stomach disappears!
My stomach was so loud years ago that you could hear it across the room. Today, 30 years later and, my stomach has not growled in all those years!
Myth & Reframe #3
You may feel you know intuitively but there is more to it than folks even imagine…
Your quest to change… will scare your family, friends, and workmates.
…and they may even unconsciously work to undermine your journey to sugar freedom!
They may not know it (and most will be totally unconscious to the fact they are even doing it…)
Just think about your past attempts.
I could go into the whole limbic brain/tribe/your brain is hardwired to stay within your tribe… but most people will know what I’m talking about just by seeing the last few sentences.
Your family, friends, and workmates may NOT be your best support system …early in this process.
You must gently teach, coach and lead family, friends, and coworkers to support you.
After working with thousands of clients, we’ve developed some very effective language to do just this that seems to meet with a positive response 90% of the time…
Announce your intentions, at first, to a coach and a peer group of people who too want to or who are actually doing the same thing – NOT to your family and friends.
This process requires an inordinate amount of support – Remember just from our experience – those who go it alone usually either just take longer or don’t make it all.
“Re-starts” we call them here at the office. That’s folks that come back after going out a doing a little “research and development” (read going back to sugar)
Myth & Reframe #4
Self Care is NOT optional…
If someone else talked to me the way I talk to myself – I’d beat the crap out of them.
You must deeply understand what you need in terms of taking care of yourself in this process.
…and most people just don’t – (another true fact) we need to build a support system around you to help in the tough times – and there will be tough times!
You need to have developed these new practices, skills, and habits FIRST, ahead of time… BEFORE you actually need them. (Like DURING the initial detox.)
“Self-care is how you take your power back”_
And as they say on the airlines:
“Put your oxygen mask on first.”
This seemingly simple little concept trips up SO many people and many folks also argue that it has nothing to do with quitting sugar and that they just need a menu and the instructions.
I do get lots of pushback on this…
Self-soothing without sugar as a fixture in your life – and WHY it’s an important part of the process.
As a result, the idea of genuine self-care is so foreign to people that it is a very common sticking point. (We’re used to self-deprivation like carb restriction and dieting.)
How did we all get to adulthood minus the idea that being kind to ourselves was an option?
How do you kill that negative self that draws you back to sugar every time? …Don’t give it power.
Practicing self-care is the antidote to negative self-talk, poor body image, and inability to take action (or taking the “wrong” action).
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
It is such a simple concept that it can be easy to overlook it.
Self-care is defined, quite simply, as being kind to yourself. As a result, you do this mostly with self-talk but also, as I’m about to show you, in performing little acts of kindness that you have been putting off or that you’ve been doing for others instead of yourself.
Many, many sugar addicts are people pleasers.
Do you feel in your life you are “doing” for everyone IN your life BUT yourself?
We need to have these “practices” just like any physical or mental practice you participate in,
…in place and ready BEFORE we need them.
Self-soothing is the goal. Since childhood, most of us have used sugar unconsciously to soothe bad, painful or hard to handle feelings. When we quit we need replacements ready to go.
This seemingly simple idea gets me some backlash. Most folks have never tied together their emotional state with their sugar use – or I might add the emotions of their children and sugar!
And here’s the best part…
A little “extra bonus myth of the sugar detox and diet worlds”
And it’s a little counter-intuitive…
**And I want to stress this…
…..you can NOT exercise your way out of this.
…regardless of what you’ve heard… So put your running shoes away.
Side, side note: We exercise to help us heal, restore and recalibrate our feel-good brain chemicals – NOT for any “calorie deficit” BS.
In closing, I’d like to say very simply that if you really want to – you can do this. You can control sugar in your life and regain your health.
We even offer a free Sugar Success Strategy call for anyone who’s dead serious about moving to the next level in their life and health.
If you’d like to set up a free Game Plan Interview and Strategy call, no charge to get your own personalized plan to help you walk free from this sugar thing. Just Click here and let’s chat. https://sugaraddiction.com/call
You will be emotional.