I am now down to 132.8, so I’ve lost about 7 pounds since the start of the Sugar Addiction Challenge. I think that is not too shabby considering all the holiday temptations I’ve been subjected to!
I’ve been really good so far this week. I had dinner last night with the family of a good friend and they made pasta and garlic bread and had fudge for dessert. They even put out rice crackers with cheese as an appetizer. Now, you probably don’t know this, but those are ALL some of my favorite things! It was a quite torturous and I was soooo wanting to give in, just one rice cracker….OR the cranberry chutney they wanted me to make for them. I am a cranberry chutney FIEND and everyone always requests my chutney. I like making it for others, but talk about torture!
Forget the Rack…you really want to torture people, make them prepare their favorite holiday recipes, have it displayed out on the table under their nose, but don’t let them eat it! Sugar cravings and sugar withdraw symptoms are nothing to be trifled with.
I surprisingly was good though! A couple times I was tempted to upend the table, but my friend kept me on track and I avoided ALL of the temptations, including the seemly innocent rice crackers.
It helped that I was prepared and brought over some lentil and rice soup to complement the salad and veggies they made and I also made date balls for desert (a fabulous treat in a pinch that tastes delicious but has NO sugar or flour in it!). So I survived and everyone came out uninjured.
Now, I just have to get through this weekend’s Christmas extravaganza with my family! Please keep your fingers crossed.
You may not be ready to cut our sugar (or flour) completely yet and that’s ok. I would love to know though if you are ready to at least cut back. What is your biggest weakness? Are you going to try to cut back over the holidays to start of your new year right?