Before I walk you through exactly what to expect on days one through thirty of a sugar detox, I want to stress something. I want to split apart the physical detox from the emotional or mental detox.
This concept is absolutely key to long-term success.
Most programs and systems laser their focus on FOOD. They all have elaborate meal plans and recipe books; their emails are filled with “sugar-free” desserts and treats.
But see — while you do need to adjust your diet from the one you are currently eating, my guess is you already know that.
You probably already even know what to eat.
In fact, most clients I work with have tried at least TEN different programs — and even more “diets”.
Most are well-meaning folks who are correct in what they describe. Low carb, no white stuff etc.
The problem is diets don’t work.
We all know this.
And even those folks who get with the program and see results — over 90+ percent fall back to a place that’s worse than where they started.
Let me be very clear. Identifying EXACTLY what to eat and what not to eat is important. But, that’s only one part.
…and my guess is you’re here because you, like most of my clients, have quite literally tried everything!
What isn’t so well known, or known at all, is what we call the emotional detox. Followed by the emotional and mental re-configuring necessary to be successful long term.
As with most things in life, this is a mental game.
I’m not saying you can “think” your way out of this – you can’t.
What I’m asking you to do is suspend judgment for the next 1-4 weeks and to see if your emotions are the key to unlocking your long term success.
I’m saying, pay as much attention to how you FEEL as to what you eat or don’t eat while doing a sugar detox.
Once the sugar is removed, you already know what’s coming if you’ve ever struggled with it before. Something is going to change, and that something is going to go a little haywire…
If you don’t track it – if you don’t understand it – if you don’t deal with it….
You are bound to repeat it.
30 Day Challenge
Sugar Free in just One Month!
If you know you’re ready to put sugar behind you for good then check out our successful challenge and all the folks that have succeeded in removing sugar from their life right here…
I promise you will be emotional.
You may be inexplicably weepy.
— angry for no reason. You’ll probably even be a little depressed (maybe a lot).
This is normal (and avoidable)! It’s not a mental issue – and it’s not because maybe you just need sugar…
It’s a physical withdrawal symptom.
The stress will feel unbearable at times. When the only thing you can think of is your go-to sweet.
–That should be the biggest clue ever!
So how do we change that?
At first, we don’t. We manage it. We understand it. Then we change it.
I talk about this exactly in a new online workshop, “Debunking the Great Sugar-Detox Myth“.
It’s free, but the room capacity is 100 seats so at the very least grab your seat while available (there’s also a replay available if not).
In the free class, I dive into the #1 game changer for controlling or quitting sugar — permanently.
We’ll also talk about how to finally stop eating during those “bewitching” hours between dinner and bed, the final answer on fruit or no fruit, how to feed your family when you’re the only one going sugar-free, and a ton of other helpful topics.
Find out the little-known trick to completely erasing those debilitating cravings when you read the FREE book here.