The Sugar Addiction Challenge!

Day 12: Bad Day

Last night’s crappy dinner of popcorn and staying up too late vegging in front of mindless online tv shows, left me groggy this morning and still annoyed about last night. My yummy morning shake seemed to help with both my energy and my mood. Though I still had a rough time today; I don’t have any specific cravings, but just REALLY missing my comfort foods.

Day 11: Why Do They Do This To Me?

Wasn’t super jazzed to get out of bed in the morning, but I must admit with my busy schedule last night I didn’t eat a good dinner…in fact I only had some popcorn. Ok, once again no sugar or flour, but not exactly a healthy good dinner either!

So I ended up making it to work, bright eyed and bushy tailed after my good breakfast, just to find that there are 6 boxes of donuts lining the counter in the kitchen. Soooooo wrong! I quickly put up my lunch box and retreated before they could start beckoning me. I’ve never been a big fan of donuts, but you never know what you will resort to when in the depths of sugar withdrawal!

Day 10: Saved by a Cat!

Had an Ok morning. Was up late working so was dragging a little bit, but my breakfast perked me up. Felt a little snacky mid morning and had a banana but by 11am I was uncontrollably jittery. I get this way when I’m really tired and having trouble focusing. I think the movement helps keep me awake. I didn’t go rummage another snack though, because I really wasn’t hungry. I’m trying to break myself of eating when I’m not hungry! Though at times I really wish I could just take a nap!! I think if I just curled up under the desk no one would notice. hahaha

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